Find Funding

Research Sources of Funding

The following links are starting points for developing a list of prospects for your funding opportunity. Use these databases, lists, and websites to develop a short list of funders you are interested in pursuing. 

Search Tips

The lists below will provide a wide range of corporations and foundations. As you research, the following suggestions will help you narrow your list. 

  • Read the potential funder’s annual or CSR (corporate social responsibility) report if available, or other language on website to determine alignment of priorities.
  • Does the funder require an LOI submission first before a proposal? Do they accept unsolicited proposals? Do we have an existing relationship? 

Your development team will work with the CFR team to determine the best approach based on existing relationships with the organization. 

Finding Corporations

Finding Foundations

You can also learn more about open funding opportunities at local community foundations:


The Office of Sponsored programs manages agreements that aren't philanthropic in nature including grants, cooperative agreements, and contracts. To learn more about this type of funding, visit the Office of Sponsored Programs website, to learn more about the difference between gifts and grants click here